discounts on model trains today!


1695 S. DuPont Hwy

St. Georges, DE 19733

Model Trains

Explore our extensive collection of used trains and rolling stock from reputable brands such as American Flyer, Atlas, Bachmann, Lionel, K-Line, LGB, and Williams.

We offer a wide variety of scales and gauges, including G, HO, N, O, On30, On3, and S, catering to every enthusiast's needs.

Our inventory features prewar, postwar, and modern era models, including the popular Lionchief and Legacy series, as well as Rail King and Premier.

In addition to trains, we also have a selection of track, transformers, and numerous accessories, such as buildings and houses from MTH, Plasticville and Lionel. We also have bridges, crossing gates, crossings lights, and numerous other accessories including die cast cars and trucks to enhance your layout.

Currently we do not carry parts for trains and accessories.

Note - We buy train collections.

Whether you're a seasoned collector or just starting out, you'll find something special in our diverse selection that will bring your railroading dreams to life.

black and white bed linen

Train Depot Antique Station

Explore Our Extensive Collection of Model Trains, At Our Online Store

Train Depot

Your Destination for Model Trains

Explore our extensive collection of model trains, including Lionel, MTH, and more. We offer a variety of gauges and scales, along with buildings, track, and accessories for every enthusiast.



Trusted by Collectors

Quality Assured


Explore our extensive collection of model trains and accessories at the,


Our Location

Visit us Thursday thru Sunday for in-store shopping. Our online store is available 24/7 for your convenience.


1695 S. DuPont HWY St, Georges, DE 19733


10 AM - 5 PM Thur, Fri, Sat

11 AM - 5PM Sunday

Closed Mon, Tue, Wed

Online Store Open 24 Hours